5 Post Production Tips To Help Level-up Your Corporate Videos

It might seem like video is everywhere these days and that’s because it is. Video marketing has become so prevalent that 54% of consumers say they want to see more video content from the brands they interact with.

If you’re already producing corporate videos then there are a few things you can do to level up your video marketing efforts and enhance the look and feel of your videos for clients (or even for your own company). The secret lies in understanding how to take advantage of post-production tips.

Whether you're an agency just starting to use corporate videos or you've been producing them for a while and are looking to take your production quality up a notch, these five post-production tips will help.

What Is Post-Production?

When it comes to creating corporate videos, post-production is the final stage of the process. This is where all the footage is edited together to create a cohesive final product. It often includes adding in graphics, sound effects, and music to enhance the video's impact. 

Post-production can also involve color grading, adjusting lighting, and other technical aspects to make the video polished and professional. If you’re unsure of what’s included in the post-production process then check out our post-production service guide.

The Importance of Post-Production

Post-production is an often overlooked but incredibly important aspect of any type of video production, especially corporate video production. It can be tempting to just shoot some footage and call it a day, but post-production is where the magic happens.  

This is where everything comes together: the pacing of the video, adding music or graphic overlays, and smoothing out rough cuts and transitions. 

Post-production is also when errors or mistakes are fixed, ensuring that the finished product represents the company in the best possible light. All in all, investing time and energy into post-production can make or break a corporate video — so don't skip it!

Post-Production Tips to Enhance Your Corporate Videos

Whether you’re editing your footage or are entrusting this process to a professional production company (which we highly recommend!), here are five things you can do to enhance your corporate videos.

1. Cut In Some B-Roll

B-roll refers to supplementary footage that enhances the main subject, adding visual interest and keeping the audience engaged. In a corporate video, the b-roll can include shots of:

  • A company's products

  • Happy customers using their products

  • Employees at work

  • The office building

  • Other visually appealing elements related to the company

This supplemental footage helps to bring the company's message to life and keeps viewers from getting bored with just talking heads on screen. 

So next time you're planning for your corporate video production, don't forget about the b-roll. It may be just what your video needs to take it from good to great.

2. Incorporate Sound Effects

We’re not talking about wild sound effects that draw a viewer out of the moment. Nope. We’re talking about adding in natural sound effects that immerse your viewers into whatever they’re watching.

Think about it. Sound creates atmosphere and emotion in movies and TV shows, so why not bring that same attention to detail to your corporate video? 

Finding the right sound effects can help make your videos engaging and memorable, especially if you're trying to convey a specific mood or message. Be sure to use atmospheric sound effects that make viewers feel like they’re there with you in person. You'd be surprised at the difference a bit of background noise can add to the feel of a video.

3. Rely on Branded Graphics

When creating a corporate video, branded graphics can be a game-changer. They give the audience something unique to remember and strengthen the company's branding in their mind. Plus, they add an extra layer of professionalism and polish to the video.

Whether you use on-screen animations or lower-third titles, branded graphics also provide a chance to showcase any company's logo or other branded elements. This increases brand recognition with every frame. That’s great news for the brand!

4. Make Use of Split Screens

Far from just showing the same shot on both sides of the screen, split screens can be used in creative ways to convey multiple perspectives or parallel actions. They also help to keep viewers engaged by constantly shifting their focus and providing visual variety. 

Plus, split screens allow you to display more information at once. Think of comparing data sets or highlighting different speakers in a panel discussion. Overall, incorporating split screens into your corporate videos can take them to the next level.

While this can help you level up your corporate videos, it’s best not to overuse this video effect. Use it where it matters the most and let the other elements of the video speak for themselves.

5. Work With a Production Company

Our best post-production tip for you? It helps to hire the services of a professional production company. Ultimately, this could be the difference between having an okay video and having one that helps you drive results.

With their expertise and experience, they can enhance graphics, design eye-catching layouts, and skillfully edit the footage to create a polished final product. They can also ensure that the video meets technical specifications for different platforms, such as being optimized for both web and TV formats.

In short, investing in post-production with a professional company can elevate your corporate video from good to great. Don't settle for just okay — work with professionals to make your video stand out from the crowd.

Need Help With Post-Production?

Hopefully, these post-production tips have helped you gain a better understanding of how to make your corporate videos stand out. If you’re still stuck on this phase of the video production process then get in touch.

As a production company, we have years of experience with editing and making final production touches. We’re here to help you tell better stories in the most beautiful way possible. Get in touch to chat about your needs.


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